When you think 'lizard,' what do you think? Perhaps an iguana? A Komodo Dragon or gecko? These are all exotic species that live in tropical areas far away. But did you know that lizards might be living so close to you?
Meet the Western Fence Lizard. It's a native species and it is very common. These reptiles are often seen in shrubland areas around CA that get hot during the summer. But why do you never see them? These lizards are fast and they mainly live underneath low shrubs such as coyote brush, CA raspberries and others during the day. Lizards are very fast animals because they need to escape predators such as birds and snakes.
Fence Lizards live in places like Calistoga, CA because the summers/springs are hot during the day and fairly cold during the night. These lizards aren't found in deserts because the temperature swings there are too extreme and dry.
Male Fence Lizards have really cool blue colorings like this one.
The female lizard, on the other hand is more brown with black horizontal stripes. Mating occurs April-August, in which males display their flashy blue undersides and fight with other males for mates. In the summer, inch long 'inchling' lizards appear. Juveniles stay beneath the foliage until big enough to fend for themselves. These lizards are great for the environment because they keep the roach and insect population in check. Here's how to photograph one like I did:
Approach slowly from behind. If the lizard runs away, sit still and wait for it to come back.
Make sure your shadow doesn't interfere with the lizard.
Zoom in all the way.